Renewable Energy Investments at Scale
Renewable Energy Investments at Scale
Renewable Energy Investments at Scale
Renewable Energy Investments at Scale
“We are dedicated to accelerating the transition to renewable energy by enhancing its attractiveness and availability as investments.
Our offering seamlessly bridges the gap between investors seeking competitive returns and the accelerated deployment of large-scale solar plants.”
-Marcus Jacobsson, (Sunshine Fund)
& Didric Cederholm (Lion Point Capital)
The Problem
Global electricity production is the single largest CO2 emitter, releasing 24 gigatons every year, which constitutes more than a third of total emissions. Rapidly phasing out fossil fuels is key to achieve a net zero vision. Solar and wind installations are both renewable and currently the most cost-effective energy sources. However, the transition is too slow, primarily due to three bottlenecks:
1. Permitting and Grid Connections
2. Material and Labor Supply
3. Access to Capital in a Volatile Macroeconomic Environment
The Solution
By offering attractive returns to broader pools of investors, we aspire to propel the world towards net zero, offering abundant, low-cost renewable energy for all. We resolve bottlenecks by;
1. Investing in already grid-connected, client-contracted, and insured large-scale solar plants, and partnering with seasoned solar developers with proven track records.
2. Using our in-house solar cell manufacturing to ensure key supply. and attracting quality partners
3. Offering a fund structure with base-case expectations of high, de-risked returns and low friction, to attract investors at scale.
The two upcoming projects outside Fresno, California, are 1,800 acres each and under term sheet. Each project is designed to provide 700GWh per year - renewable power for 70,000 Californians.
We ensure quality and domestic content from Suniva, the solar cell manufacturer uniquely positioned to scale production by mid-2024. Suniva is.controlled by Lion Point within the broader fund structure.
Our goal is to support the global acceleration toward achieving net-zero carbon emissions. We actively contribute to the phase-out of fossil fuels, which currently account for 60% of the U.S. national electricity mix. Each of our projects is designed to reduce annual emissions by 200,000 metric tons of CO2, in compliance with California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard Regulations and Policies.
The base case IRR post fees is above 10% for debt participants and higher for equity participants. 60% repaid after 18-30 months.
Domestic in-house solar cell production and economies of scale underpin the returns, as well as IRA incentives unlocked by creating local jobs, boosting domestic technology and supporting the transition from fossil to renewable power generation.
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